Your Trusted Partner in Cryptocurrency Exchange
Swap ETH, USDC, USDT & other altcoins for fiat and vice versa in just a few simple steps.
1 EUR = 1.09 USDT
Updated: Friday 22:28
We exchange your loyalty for a first-rate service
Immediate Assistance
Instant support from our team, so you always feel confident
Dedicated Agent
A personal manager per every transaction you make
Minimal Charges
One of the lowest fees at 1%.
Licensed Service
Legal exchange proven by the financial licenses
Simple Process
An effortless swapping in a few clicks
International Reach
Worldwide exchanging
Local Presence
Representative office in Slovakia
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I buy a crypto with a credit card?
For now, you can make exchange operations via the SEPA/SWIFT systems and USDT (TRC-20) chain. But soon you'll also be able to buy cryptocurrency with Visa & Mastercard.
What is KYC, and why do I need to complete it?
Know Your Customer (KYC) is a regulatory requirement to verify
user identities, helping prevent fraud and ensure compliance
with financial regulations. To complete KYC, submit
identification documents like a passport or driver’s license.
*This information is kept confidential and used solely for
verification purposes*
How do I reset my password if I forget it?
1. Go to the login page and click on the "Forgot Password"
2. Enter your registered email address and submit.
3. Check your email for a password reset link.
4. Click the link and follow the instructions to create a new
5. Log in with your new password.
Can I use fiat currency to buy crypto?
Yes, you can use fiat currencies like USD, EUR, etc., via bank transfers and credit/debit cards when we add this feature.
What should I do if I suspect unauthorized activity on my account?
Immediately change your password, enable 2FA, and contact our customer support for assistance.
How do I report a problem with a transaction?
If you encounter an issue with a transaction, contact customer support with the transaction details. For each transaction, we assign a dedicated manager who oversees the entire process and can assist you in resolving any problems.